Friday, April 3, 2009

Status Update!

It's been a while since I last posted and a lot has happened. I'll just do a quick update:
  • I am alive and well
  • I am so sick of the cold I could scream, I need SUN!
  • Even though I'm not one to go to the tanning bed I secretly want to go so I can experience the amazing warmth of sunshine.
  • This weekend I just want to watch General Conference in the comfort of my apartment.
  • I went on a date last week and I have another tomorrow.
  • I watched Harry Potter 5 tonight and it gets me excited about movie 6 coming out in July.
  • I bought a new car a couple weeks ago. It is a Suzuki SX4 and I promise I will post pictures in the near future and give more details as to how I gained ownership of this cute little car.
  • Tomorrow I will: Do some grocery shopping, write letters to Cami and Mason, watch conference, straighten my room, read my scriptures and write in my journal.
  • I've been eating nothing but junk the last few weeks and I'm past the point of self disgust over it and I WILL start running again. If only the blasted season of winter would just end already! The weather is no excuse for my non-exercising habits, but still.


Jens and Patricia said...

I am so ready for summer also. Congratulations on your new car. I will look forward to the pictures.

Jens and Patricia said...

Sorry! That was Leslie on Jens and Patricia computer.