Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Am So Blessed

I'd like to think that I am aware of how good my life is but every once in a while a strong impression hits me and reminds me how lucky I am. I love my family more than life and I am so lucky to have been born into the family that I was. Growing up things weren't always peaches and cream; my siblings and I would fight a lot just like most kids within families but now that we are all a bit older we have developed really strong relationships. Right now we are all four on different playing fields. Mason is on a mission, Ryan is right in the middle of high school drama, Ciara is in the awkward stage between middle school and high school when you're trying to figure out exactly who you are, and I am away from home making ends meet in Provo. I can't wait until we have all grown up and are married with kids, it will be so fun to have us all on the same page again.

Over the years I have had several conversations about family and the different relationships, situations and traditions we all have. I always come away from these conversations feeling so lucky that I have such a great family. I can't tell you how many of my roomates and friends don't have good relationships with their brothers and sisters and their parents. I find that so sad. My parents are honestly two of my best friends! When anything happens in my life my mom and dad are at the top of the list of people I need to call and tell them about it. Whenever I need advice it is my parents I turn to. I was never one of those really stubborn teenagers who thought I knew more than my parents. My parents have ALWAYS been smarter and wiser than me. I'm not saying my parents and I haven't had tension in our relationship but I have always loved and respected them as my parents and they have always loved me, trusted me and believed in me when no one did.

Out of all the conversations I've had on family, there is one difference between my family and others that stands out more than anything else and that is the relationship between the mother and the father. It has often been said that the best gift a father can give to his children is to love their mother and I honestly believe that! This is a gift that my dad gave me when I was very young and he never lets me forget it. As a kid it was really embarrassing to see my parents kissing in the kitchen or cuddling up on the couch and it weirded me out when they "went away" for the weekend every once in a while. But now that I am older there are no words to express my gratitude. I have had many friends tell me they have never seen their parents show expressions of love to each other. They've never seen their dad do a single dish to help their mother, never saw them find a common hobby and enjoy doing it together, and have never heard the beautiful words of "I love you" spoken between their parents, some said their parents rarely speak to each other much less say I love you. My heart reaches out to those people who, as a child, didn't know if their parents loved each other.

I am so blessed to have a family that is sealed together. I am so blessed to be able to call my brothers and sister my friend. I am so blessed to know that my parents love me and would do anything for me. I am so blessed to know that my parents love each other and have set such a good example of the way I want my husband to treat me, the way I should treat him in return and the kind of marriage I should strive to attain. I am so blessed to be in a family that loves each other and where some of my best memories have been when spending and enjoying our time together. I am so blessed.

1 comment:

Kenny Do's said...

Chantelle, you are a lucky girl...your parents are lucky have a daughter like you and that you are such good friends with them...I think that is every parents dream!